Harvest Schedule

Our harvest strategies are tailor-made and automated to compound returns, boosting the amount of assets you've deposited. Throughout the day, rewards will be harvested multiple times, with the harvested rewards then reinvested to increase the holdings in the LPs and the initial deposit before being redeposited into the Harvest vault. This harvesting process will be activated with every deposit, enhancing reliability and precision.

Many of Harvest’s vaults offer "Harvest on Deposit" functionality. This means that when you deposit into the vault, you're also triggering its harvest strategy. Activating the harvest function initiates the collection of any unclaimed farm rewards, which are then reinvested into vault tokens for all users. Harvest on Deposit vaults can be easily identified as they don't charge withdrawal fees. Additionally, a portion of the performance fees collected from the vault will be rewarded to the user who triggers the harvest function.

We're currently putting the finishing touches on a visual guide, which will be ready for you soon. Our goal is to ensure that everyone can easily grasp and become acquainted with our products and protocol right from the start.

Last updated