Boosted Vaults

Boosted Yields!

Boosted vaults are special pools or strategies that offer increased rewards or benefits compared to regular vaults. Think of them like VIP sections where users can earn higher yields or receive additional perks for participating. These boosts could be achieved through various mechanisms, such as locking up more funds for a longer period, providing liquidity to specific pairs, or participating in governance activities. Essentially, they're designed to incentivize users to engage more actively or in a particular way.

By utilizing the enhanced vaults, individuals have the opportunity to accrue additional yields in addition to their regular vault profits! These boosted vaults, offered through HarvestHaven in partnership with selected collaborators, promise attractive APYs and substantial yields on your investments. Through these boosted vaults, farmers will receive both the base asset and also the partner's token as rewards in these vaults.

To enter a boosted vault, you'll have to start by depositing the necessary assets into the vault. After that, head over to the boost section where you can stake your receipt tokens. Our user-friendly interface makes it simple to monitor your earnings and withdraw whenever you like.

Harvest takes a 5% performance fee on reward tokens, which is subtracted at the beginning of the boost. Similar to Vault fees, the displayed APR is final, eliminating the need for deduction calculations.

Last updated